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KYAC is funded by donations. Donations from listeners, some underwriters, private and public grants. No one from KYAC gets paid, except for our one part-time General manager who also volunteers as a program host 20 hours a week.  We're all volunteers, so all of our money goes to pay rent and power, water and sewage, internet, telephone, music licensing (4 different licenses) streaming fees, equipment upkeep, cd acquisition and office supplies.


We accept donations in the following forms: 

  • Cash and checks (Can be dropped off at the station at: 158 SW Broadway. Mill City)M-F 6 am till 10 am or by appt. 

  • Personal Check (Make Checks payable to  KYAC, Can be mailed to the station at: PO Box 172, Mill City, OR 97360 

  • Credit & Debit Cards (all varieties) by calling the station at 503-897-6397 or through PayPal. 

  • PayPal (Donate below)


KYAC is an all volunteer radio station and we are always looking for volunteers who will freely give some time to help our station. The list below outlines what we are looking for: 


  • DJ trainees, engineer assistants who don't want to be on the air, but will help others get on the air who don't have a feel for the board, cd players and some computers. 

  • House keeping, office assistance to answer the phones (especially during pledge drives) and greet people as they come in to the station; type up radio ready PSA and EPSA's.

  • Remote broadcast volunteers to handle the merchandise tables and or to help set up the equipment for the remote broadcasts; sports announcer; community news gatherers to cover city councils and write up a report of the evening events; computer bookkeeping, graphics designers for KYAC events and posters; underwriter representatives (sell advertising: Commissions paid).


Fill out the form on the right to volunteer at KYAC!

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KYAC 90.1 FM

PO Box 172

Mill City, OR 97360


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