PSA's or public service announcements are always welcome at KYAC. We utilize them in two places. One is on our calendar site that people can read anytime they come to our web page to find out what's going on the KYAC listening area. Those you can submit via email by clicking on the events and filling out the page. The other way is to email them to us, ready to read on the air. No flyers or posters please. Write the PSA just as you would to have them read on the air and remember these guidelines: What, where, when, why, who, how and contact names and phone numbers. Just email to us at kenc@wvi.com. Please allow four working days lead time for us to get them on the air.
We accept public service announcements from all non profit organizations: schools, churches, civic organizations, as well as city, county state and federal governments. No private or commercial for profit individuals or groups. Email to kenc@wvi.com or mail them to KYAC, PO Box 172, Mill City, OR 97360. Your PSA can be dropped at our studios at 158 SW Broadway, Mill City OR 97360M-F 6 am to noon.
Questions? 503-897-6397.